Theme Deck Review #1: Kokujo's Darkness Deck


Hey pojo! My name is Brian Hahn, and I’ll be reviewing Duel Masters theme decks as they come out. Here is Kokujo’s Darkness Deck:



1x Amber Piercer

1x General Dark Fiend

1x Poison Worm (why the heck is this in here?)

1x Gigagiele

2x Chaos Worm

1x Gray Balloon, Shadow of Greed

3x Swamp Worm

1x Masked Horror, Shadow of Scorn

1x Dark Raven, Shadow of Grief

2x Bone Spider

1x Stinger Worm

2x Skeleton Soldier, the Defiled

2x Bone Assassin, the Ripper

3x Writhing Bone Ghoul

1x Wandering Braineater

3x Bloody Squito

4x Horrid Worm

2x Marrow Ooze, the Twister



1x Terror Pit

1x Dark Reversal

3x Death Smoke

3x Ghost Touch


The Review: This is a solid deck for a beginner or advanced-beginner. You get four good rares (and one crap rare) and a nice build. The spells are essential for a good darkness deck. This is, in my opinion, very good for a precon. It has some great cards (Amber Piercer, Terror Pit, Death Smoke, Horrid Worm, Gigagiele) a few ok cards (General Dark Fiend, Ghost Touch, the shadows of whatever) and a few craps (Poison Worm). Personally, I think this is worth the $10 dollar price, considering you get five rares instead of MTG’s two.


Next on the review block: Shobu’s Fire Deck


Brian Hahn