Replacements of Evo and Base-DZ///Drizer Hey y'all! Well, I was just going through my deck when I noticed a card that I didn't think was good. Mini Titan Gett. Then I saw a Zyler and I'm like Whoa! Why play a Zyler when I can play a mini titan? This also has a couple more occurences. I think tornado Flame is just a watered down Terror Pit. I mean Terror Pit kills all creatures and Tornado Flame only kills 4000. Check back on this topic for new sets also!! Well, here's a surprise. I just came up with a combo! Have as many blockers or whatever on the feild. Just make sure you have a toel Visier of Hope. Then, play a Diamond Cutter! Attack their sheilds then, untap your creatures so they can block again!! Hope y'all like my tips DZ///Drizer PS AIM-RVDHP14619