Onslaughter Triceps vs. Stinger Worm Ok I am gonna look at two cards the are very simalar but very different, Onslaughter Triceps and Stinger Worm. Onslaughter Triceps 3 Fire Dragonoid Effect: When you put this cards in the Battle Zone, place one card in you Mana Zone into your Graveyard. Power:5000 Mana Produced:1 Stinger Worm 3 Darkness Parasite Worm Effect: When you put this creature into the Battle Zone, destroy one of your creatures. Power:5000 Mana Produced:1 As you can see both are almost alike, except for civ. and effects. But which one is better? I will go over this in post, as well as what type of deck they belong in. First lets look at Triceps. This monster is mana trouble. It is ok if you have lots of mana an can afford it, but not when you have little. Also do to its power for its cost, isn't all that bad. I would have to say this would go good in a Red&Green deck, because Red is high powered and Green is in the field of mana production so it works out fine. Next we look at Stinger Worm. First off is its effect. This card is Monster Trouble. Now its ok if the destroyed monster is weak, or if you hae lots of monsters on the field, and 1 card wouldn't make much of a difference. This card would go good in a Darkness&Nature deck. Darkness because...well.... its a Darkness card, and Nature in order to help out with more mana to summon a lot of monsters. So as to the question of which one is better, it will be answered now. Lets look at the stats. Destroy mana, and destroy monsters. Now you will need mana in order to bring out the big guns, as well as back up so it wouldn't be to wise to use this unless desprate. Now monsters are more sacrificial. They can be replaced mroe easily. So I would say that Stinger Worm is the better choice. ===== >From Taylor __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs http://hotjobs.sweepstakes.yahoo.com/careermakeover