Just like the title says this segment will be all about the most easily abused super are, King Depthcon. The first reason this card is so great is thta it has a cool name and it looks cool. The second reason is that it is a double breaker with 6000 attack. But the third, and greatest reason, is that he can't be blocked be anything. The only way that someone will be able to stop him is with darkness cards like Terror Pit and Death Smoke. But other than that he can also be killed while tapped by the many stronger creatures. But if you play him right he can be unbeatable. The first suggestion I would make when playing him is have a darkness/aqua deck. The reason for this is that darkness cards can help you get him back even if he dies and all your water cards beside him could be blockers like revolver fish and phantom fish. That is what I did for a while until the King was stolen from me and I had to trade away all of my extras just to get a decent deck. That is why Depthcon is the best card in the game. Zach Harvey (a.k.a. aquasniper15)