Smoke on the Water - Smcman


Smoke on the Water
Fire and Water Combination


Water [20]
2x Aqua Sniper
2x Teleportation
4x Spiral Gate
4x Unicorn Fish
4x Aqua Hulcus
4x Brain Serum


Fire [20]
2x Gatling Skyterror
4x Brawler Zyler
4x Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
2x Rothus the Traveler
4x Tornado Flame
4x Crimson Hammer


Mana Curve: 3.5


Each civilization is used for two purposes: Water can bounce creatures and draw cards. Fire is used to destroy monsters and attack.


First, lets go over the purpose of bouncing, or returning monsters from the field to the owners hand. When this happens, there are three main benefits. Your opponent is forced to use up mana to re-cast the creature, the creature now has Summoning Sickness again, and your opponent will become very irritated. Because the effect is so powerful, only a small amount of monsters, mostly water, have the ability to bounce.
Aqua Sniper and Teleportation are the main forms of removal, each being able to knock two creature off the board at once. They do come at a high cost though, so I use only two of each. Spiral Gate and Unicorn Fish bounce only one creature a piece, therefore, cost less mana. The ability is actually my main form of offense, because I don't have to worry about playing defense against opposing creatures if there are none.


Now for the Fire civilization's breakdown. The ability to destroy opposing creatures works alongside bouncing to make sure the opponent never has many creatures. Tornado Flame and Crimson Hammer are spell forms of removal that pick off the lower powered monsters and cheap blockers. Rothus can be used to get rid of big fatties and then just kill himself, or lose Braid Claws that are getting in the way.
Gatling Skyterror is the big powerhouse that leads the offensive attack. At a cost of seven, he is a bit expensive, but the attack level and effects are worth it. Brawler Zyler and Braid Claw are cheap, quick hitters that try and take shields early on or get through empty fields later. I am considering replacing either one Braid Claw or one Zyler in favor of some more punch in the form of a third Gatling.

I hope you have learned something from reading this and will try experimenting with the powerful combination of Fire and Water. My name is Steven C. aka Smcman or Thrash-494

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