Recruiting Duel Master Players - Redyst Recruiting Duel master players. To the average person looking into this duel masters game, they want to know basically "Is this worth my time [and money]?" It's up to you to persuade them as to the value of this game, here's how: 1. Know your facts. This will be your first weapon in disspelling many uninformed myths about this game. Be prepared for "It's a Magic Ripoff", and ever popular "Duel Monsters - Duel Masters, Bootleg, maybe?". You know these allegations aren't true, but non- players may not. It won't kill to patiently explain that card games borrow a few mechanics from successful ones and some similarities are inevitable, for instance creature and spell cards, seen everywhere. This however does in no way indicate that the two games are the same. At this point you can bring in Duel masters' innovative shield system that balances out the game; whereas as you lose shields you gain resources that can turn the game around, [let's not even go into shield triggers.. too much too soon can confuse the interested spectator] Another noteworthy point.. 2. Keep it simple Follow Wizards of the Coasts' lead in this aspect of introducing new players to the game. That Basic Gameplay fold out in the starter deck is a very helpful and easy way of picking up the game, you should do the same when telling others about Duel Masters. Don't go into elite game mechanics and strategies. You will push the person away, they'll be thinking "This game is too confusing for me" 3. Keep it about Duel Masters, unless you know for sure they have a good Card Game background. A good amount of us DM players come from a Yu-Gi-Oh background and it may be easy for us to reference Yu-Gi-Oh gameplay. Let's say you're stuck on explaining shields, so you hit upon a brilliant idea, and start babbling: You:"You know Yu-Gi-Oh?" Potential DM Player:"Uhh..." You:"Well imagine you get to draw a card for every 1000 life points you lose.." Bad Idea. 4. Make a deck out of your leftover, unused commons/uncommons. Come on, you know they're just sitting there looking pretty, [well, except for some darkness cards, ugh]. It will be very easy to introduce someone to the game [especially a low budget someone] by encouraging them to test play Duel Masters. The Game will speak for itself. Just don't spaz on the guy or girl like you're in a tournament and must win at all costs. You're demonstrating the game, not stroking your ego. Very Important!!!! Be Patient, especially if it's their first Card Game ever. Your attitude will make or break That person's Duel Masters' Career. A bit of Psychology: We judge things by our first impressions of them. So If you're acting like an impatient jerk, that person will assume that all DM players are impatient jerks, and never give the game a second glance. 5. Be Generous In extension of the above point, you may take an extra step to give the demo deck you made to the person you played with, if they are interested. Dont be so greedy, you weren't going to use the cards anyway [well I cant speak for the collectors who like having 4 copies of all cards in Duel Master existence, but you know what I mean] and this will have many beneficial aspects. The beneficiary [person receiving the deck] will look fondly upon the game and how they started, they would go on to buy boosters.. and BAM! 40 cards laying in an old shoe box you couldn't get one decent trade for has magically granted you one more person in your duelling area. 6. Mention that this game is Cheap Oh boy. How we like to hear those words [we actually love to hear the word free, :D, but this will have to do] This can be your Trump card especially when attempting to convert Foil-frustrated Yu-Gi-Oh players, people with busy schedules and low budgets, looking for fun. The price for starter decks and boosters are comparatively cheaper than other games on the market, you get a lot out of your dollar because good cards aren't restricted to the foil section of the rarity chart. Simply put, you don't need a bunch of ultra hard cards to get to be able to have a good deck, and by extention do well in tournaments. We all love to hear that. 7. Fun Factor This may be the first thing you can say about Duel Masters to the inquiring mind. It will do nothing but fan the flames of curiosity and interest. Best of all, you won't be lying. 8. Don't be afraid to use Duel Masters in public. This is a very easy way to attract interested eyes. I get a lot of "Is that pokemon?" [Well, back to my first point about facts, down to my seventh fact about fun, and Ta-Da!:] "No, it's called Duel Masters. It's a very fun game. Would you like me to tell you a little about it?" Wasn't that easy? Where before you would have been offended that some one compared your DM to the likes of Pokemon and give a nasty retort [Remember what i said about First Impressions?], with a little insight, kindness, and at no great harm or cost to your self, you have taken a gracious first step to letting the unknowing person know about, and be interested in Duel Masters. Please Direct your comments to me at my email: _________________________________________________________________