Magic,Yu-Gi-Oh,Duelmasters-Why all the hate?




Hi guys and gals. I wrote an article a while back about people bashing other games and today I'm gonna talk about the three major games out there today. First no offense to any game thaey are all great to those who play them. Now we have the power three Magic,Yu-Gi-Oh,and Duelmasters. Why is there so much hate between the three? Look at the reality of it , Magic and Duelmasters are made by the same company and they compliment each other soooooooooooo good that it's stupid for Magic people to bash Duelmasters. I mean Magic is mostly fantasy with a little science fiction in it and Duelmasters is mostly science fiction with some fantasy built in. Another thing is that if they are the numer 1 and 2 selling games they have more money to spend on development for the other. The other reason is that Duelmasters does play like Magic in some respects but that's good for Magic players that another game wants to use some of it's gameplay so they should be proud. Finally we come to Yu-Gi-Oh the game that just keeps on getting higher prices. I mean come on an average deck is probably worth 2 or 3 hundred dollars to the right buyer and it might not even have all of the "staple" cards in it. I can't (and don't) see too many new players so I must be on to something here. Don't get me wrong I have played but I dropped out because 1: most tournament players are snobs who whine when they lose and laugh at the little kids when the beat them because they aren't rich and can't afford the "good" (broken) cards and 2: all of the card stealing is too much , I mean come on if you can't afford to play then don't period. That brings me to why Yu-Gi-Oh hates Duelmasters , no "broken" cards , and you don't need to be rich to play at a tournament level. The "broken" cards are Upper Decks own fault but the players are the one's who suffer for it in the long run. And lastly deck prices are rediculous because how many Yu-Gi-Oh decks have you seen that even has a common card in it(besides the few who can't afford the high priced cards)? Well anyway I'm done ranting on for now but I'll be posting some deck ideas and top ten lists later so check em out :) Hope you enjoy my views and if I offend you in any way I am sorry but sometimes the truth hurts and I can't help it. PEACE!!!!!!