Short Rant On Card Interpretation - Destroyer Normally I don't write rants, simply because they are less helpful than giving constructive and positive tips. However, I cam across a person who misinterpreted a card, giving the illusion that it was better than it actually was. I am not going to go into specifics, but this is for EVERY Duel Masters fan. You HAVE to remember that this game is WELL ballanced. If you think a card is awesome and doesn't appear to have any obvious set-backs to balance it out, chances are you are misinterpreting the card. I ran into a post on a forum where a user thought that when Bloody Squito (a blocker from the Darkness civilization with 4000/this creature can't attack/when this creature wins a battle, destroy it) won a battle, the OTHER monster was destroyed. He kept going on and on about how great it was. The truth is, it's not. It's good for 1 use and it's gone. You need to read the card carefully. Keywords will help you identify what the card is referring to. Words like "this creature", and "it" specifically point at the card whose effect has those words in it. You can't assume that "it" is referring to a monster on your opponent's side of the field. Common grammar tells you that when you use a pronoun, it "renames" or "re-identifies" the subject. So in the case of Bloody Squito: "it" refers to Bloody Squito, since IT is the card the effect is being applied to. So to sum up all that I've said: don't misinterpret a card, on purpose, just so it helps you out. If you are unsure, there's plenty of places to ask about it (Wizards of The Coast's Duel Master's FAQ/or ask them via e-mail). If you anyone has questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me at: Also, I just started a Duel Masters website, so you can check it out at if you're interested.