Hey, this is my first post on Duel Yammers.... Some of you may know me from Edo's Yahoo! Group, Edo_List. (If you see me there, give me a
shout!) Anyway, I guess I'm a "noob" at this game, Duel Masters, since I just bought the game on Sunday, but I have a LOT of experience in TCG's in general, (I'm a veteran Yu-Gi-Oh!, M:tG, Magi-Nation, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, and L5R player.) so I think I can make a fair assessment of cards just due to my knowledge of TCG's.

The card I'm writing this Article about it a little card called "Dimension Gate". Here's the text in case you dont know what it does. I know that some people throw around card names like everyone should know what the card does.....But I'm going to post the text ,then tell you what exactly is so frickin' great about it.....

Color: Green
Mana Cost: 3
<Shield Trigger>
Search your deck. You may take a creature from your deck, show that creature to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your deck. ( Common )

When you look at the text on this card, you may think, "OK, so what's the big deal? I get a creature from my deck......That's good, but how is that a "staple" in Green?"

Well, I'm about to tell you just how versatile this card really is. Any of you that have played Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh!, or other card games, especially Pokemon, you'll know that searching through your deck to find exactly what you want is usually a GOOD thing. Cards that search through your deck are among the most played in any CCG. Computer Search in Pokemon, Witch of the Black Forest in Yu-Gi-Oh!, Goku's Ready in DBZ.....Well, maybe not the latter. =P

The one biggest and most important advantage you can have in any CCG, I've learned, is CARD ADVANTAGE. This is exactly what Dimension Gate gives you.....Need extra mana Real-Soon-Now? Search your deck for a Bronze-Arm Tribe. Need a big monster to stomp on that opposing Gigaberos or other fatty? Search your deck for a big Green card. (I'm still new, so I dont know any specific "big Green cards" except Tri-Horned Shepherd....Which really isn't that big. ;) ) This card isn't just good in Mono-Green decks, but in almost any deck that uses any Green cards. You can search your deck for ANYTHING! (as long as it's a creature. =P)

Now, above all that is the fact that it has Shield Trigger......There's nothing not to like about Shield Trigger. 3 mana isn't that expensive, but if Shield Trigger saves you 3 mana, then by golly, it was worth it. I'm thinking about making a "Shield Trigger Deck" that uses only cards that have Shield Trigger......Oh no, your 15000 power, Triple Breaker Evolution fatty broke 3 of my shields!! .......Well, how about that! All 3 of the Shields I just picked up have Shield Trigger! I'll play this and this and this for free. ^_^ Ahhh, I can envision it now......

*snaps back to reality* Well, hopefully by now you've grasped just how good this card is. If not, you can always E-mail me. :)

~Exploding Pidgeons!~
E-mail: explodingpidgeons@juno.com
***I will ALWAYS E-mail you back!! ^^***