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Pojo's Dreamblade Mini of the Day

Image from Wizards.com

Forgeblind Punisher

Reviewed October 06, 2006

Constructed: 3
Sealed: 4

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating

Rolf the Ruf

Forgeblind Punisher


Power: 8

Defense: 4

Life: 6

Reviewed by Rolf the Ruf

We round out the week with a Passion Pounder. The Forgeblind Punisher is a straight-up hitman.With a huge attack of 8 dice balanced against Passion's classic weak spot -- a feeble 4/6 Defense/Life, is the Punisher worth running? On the plus side, he throws 2 more attack dice than any other 9-drop in the set! That's a hefty edge. But you have to wonder how long you will be able to keep him around with the same defense numbers as the 3-drop weenie Zombie Enforcer. Consider another Passion beater, the Savage Ogre, by comparison: The Ogre has a Power of 6 but also adds a Crit 2 ability to bolster that, and marginally better 5/7 Defense/Life. It's a tough call as to which will payoff better. The Ogre is probably the safer bet, but 8 dice is hard to turn down. On the other end of the spectrum we have the Scragglemaw, another 9-drop from Valor with half the Power and better than twice the defense numbers. Clearly these two guys serve distinctly different purposes. You play the Scragglemaw to maintain presence. With a Defense/Life of 11 and 12, he is extremely tough to move off his spot. But as a beater he leaves a lot to be desired. The Punisher couldn't hold a cell if you bolted him in with rivets. But you don't run him for his presence. He's out there to blow holes in your opponent's defenses -- and that he does very well. If you can manage to make more than a few attacks with him, he will have paid for himself. Consider running Passion/Valor and teaming him with a bodyguard to keep him in action longer.

Constructed: 3/5
Sealed: 4/5 (Better -- A solid fatty pull.)
Artwork 3/5 (This is one bad-looking bumble, and he doesn't bounce.)
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