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How to mIRC By:Andy

It's been a while, but let's see if I can still guide you like I used to. Now this how to has to do with becoming part of the community on Dragonball on mIRC. Now, when I talk of channel's I will be talking of channel's that are on Now yes, I do realize that Pojo has their own server, but I am sure that you will enjoy yourself more over at

Now, first we will start off with how to get mIRC and how to set it up.

For Windows Users:

The first thing you want to do is to follow tis link, mIRC, it will lead you to the mIRC homepage. After you download mIRC you want to open it up and when you do so you will be presented with an information page. On this page you set up your personal information. When it comes to choosing your nickname, please pick something original. Your name does not have to be about DB, if it is though don't make it something simple like Goku or Gohan and don't make it something like SuPerDooperAwesomeSaIyAn745363. If you follow that, it will help you out a lot. After you do all this you will be able to actually work with the actual mIRC window. In the typing area you want to type /server and this will connect you to the Planet Namek server. Now once you are into the server you are faced with many channels to join, the channels are where all the talking is done. If you would like to see a list of channels in the type area you can type /list and a list of all the channels will appear. Any channel can be reached by typing /join #(channel name here) and example would be /join #namek and that would bring you into The Namek Chatroom. We will get to how to act in the chats in a little while.

For Mac Users:

All of the commands are pretty much the same and you can download the mac equivalent of mIRC by going to Ircle. There you go.

How to Act Once Your In The Room:

Instead of telling you how to act, I will tell you how not to act. As usual I am going to do so with a list. Yes, it is true, I can not get through a how to without a numbered list.

1. Do not use excessive vulgar language. No matter how cool you think you are you will be seen as an ignorant annoyance to everyone else.
2. Do not roleplay in rooms that are not ment for roleplaying. People go to these rooms to talk, not to roleplay.
3. If you are in a Dragonball chat do not complain if Dragonball is not being talked about. If you go into #namek or other channels that are DB you will not see a whole lot of talk concerning Dragonball, so don't complain about it.
4. Do not use the /me command to often. This is the action command in mIRC and it will get a lot of people mad.
5. Show people respect. There are a lot of people who have been going to a certain channel forever it may seem like, please show them their proper respect.
6. If you see one of the more popular webmasters in a chat do not bug him. I can not tell you how many people I see try to talk to Mr.E and to no avail. If someone wants to talk to you they will let you know.
7. No spamming, if you plug your site over and over again you will be kicked out.
8. Don't beg to be opped or voiced. If you do this you will probably also be kicked.
9. Now on certain servers no one cares, but I will say that most people are annoyed by this. Do not use colors, bold, or all's really irritating.

Now I am going to give you a few tips and I am going to tell you a few things.

1. When you see @ in front of someone's name that means they are an op in that room. The opps are in charge of the room. They can set the topics, kick, and ban people. Show them some resepct.
2. When you see + in front of someone's voice, that means that they are voiced. People who are voiced are sort of right in the middle of everyone else.
3. When a certain channel has restricted opps on, don't go and link other people so that they can be opped, after a while it gets ridiculous.
4. If you are opped, don't abuse your power. What I mean is you shouldn't just kick and ban people for now reason.
5. If you don't know about something or understand something, please do not go ahead and give your opinion on that subject, just let it pass.
6. Now, it isn't that this is wrong, but it is very annoying. I hate it when I see groups come in to a channel. What I mean is a group of people who all have very close names (Such as, if you and three friends are a group and all have the name Z_warrior_[your name here]). It is just very irritating.
7. When you are talking to someone, it is a lot easier if you type that person name and then talk to them ex. pojoandy: (what you want to type). This will clear up a lot of confusion, there is a lot of talk going on and your messages can get lost.

My Pet Peaves on mIRC:

1. Anyone who comes in with the name "Guest" (People who use Java applets do this).
2.The groups that come in (refered to above)
3. All right, now I understand that everyone wants to be seen as though they know it all, but this is something that bugs me. When someone asks a question. Now in the chat let's say there are 10 people. Well one of those people know the answer and answer the persons question. Well, now everyone who didn't know the answer sees this person type it. These people want to be seen as smart so they type in the answer that they just read, even though it is after the one guy answered the question. It is hard to explain what I mean, but I hope you get it. So, in short, if you don't know an answer to a question, don't try and answer it.
4. This is a favorite. When someone will say something that they are not supposed to (such as 50 cuss words all in a row) and then that person leaves the room real quick so no one will say anything to him. Yep, we all think he's cool (Do you sense the heavy sarcasm).
5. When someone in the channel asks if anyone wants to chat. For gosh sakes, you are in a chat room, so why are you asking. Just talk, don't ask.
6. People who look to hook up with a girlfriend or boyfriend via mIRC. In my opinion people who have internet bf's and gf's are pathetic and most people will agree with me. Go out and get a life, don't look for people over the internet.

Now, I am pretty much done, but I want to get this point across. In these channels there is a lot of talk that goes on that you really don't want your parents to read (if you still live with your parents that is). Yes, in mIRC you will see some of the worst language and topics that you have ever seen in your whole life. So I suggest that you don't just let your parents sit there and read it.

Yepperz, this should pretty much finish it up. I could have gone on, but I wanted to just get across enough to help you out and I hope I did so. Until next time, I hope this holds you over.