from nick brush this is nick here and this is how i made my dragonball deck, also this is a fast way to win a game.all you have to do is get cards that let you get dragonballs out of your deck but you have to have less then 60 cards in your deck that way you get your dragonballs out and cards that let you get dragonballs out. ---------- to slow down a villain is to play nemek dragonball#2 [trunks card#3] and then play captain ginyu frog[trunks card#4]that will slow them down and wast there anger cards. ---------- if you get jamed in a game and you need to get namek dragon balls then may speed stuff up if you have namek dragon ball#7 then you can capture a dragon ball then if you have eyes of the dragon the you can capture a dragon ball and get one out of you deck.after that you can play goku's touch or vegeta's plan and thats a way to get dragon balls fast.