Holy Matrimony. This starts off as one of the strangest episodes I've seen. Ash & Gang wind up at the gate of an old mansion. They see a "missing" kid poster outside the mansion that looks just like James from Team Rocket. A limo pulls up, and a man asks if they know the missing kid. They say "yes" and are whisked away. The limo (driven by a butler I guess) takes them to a mansion the size of a shopping mall. This mansion actually belongs to James' parents and they are laying "dead" in coffins in the living room. (Man, Japanese animators can get strange?) Anyways ... The Butler tells Ash that James can all of it, if he comes to the funeral. Team Rocket sneaks in, but James don't want to be there. Jesse & Meowth want the $$ so they tie-up James and force him into claim his $$. Poof .. His parents are NOT really dead .. They were just faking it. They want him to mary JesseBell ... A girl right out of the "proper south" ... and she look like Jesse's twin. Well, James hates her with a passion, and doesn't want to marry her, & that's why he ran away from home even though he could be a gazillionare. James's folks locks everyone in the basement of the mansion, and JesseBelle is going "whip" James Butt until he gives in. The Pokemon Hero of the story turns out to be James's boyhood puppy "Growlithe' who saves the day. Team Rocket, and Ash & Gang, High-tail it out of town at he end of the show with JesseBail chasing them. Plain old goofy story. But we did find out, James's is rich, and has run away from home.