So many of you are always griping, "Blah Blah Haymakers and Wigglies
Stink Blah Blah Unfair Blah Blah Blah." Well, have I got a card for you! The
Temple of Bellsprout stadium card does the following: If a colorless Pokémon
does damage to another Pokémon, the damage is reduced by 30. In other words,
it gives you a colorless (read Wiggly) resistance! It is an uncommon Neo1
card, so if the gamers in your area let you play Jap. cards, you can
basically knock out the Wiggly decks from the metagame. My personal choice,
however, to get rid of the archetypes, is to arrange "theme days." Basically
I use my influence at League (I'm one of the top players and usually take the
role of Gym Leader) to have us all build a deck that fulfills a certain
obligation. Sometimes it all "Do Damage to Yourself Day" or "All Stage Two
Evolution Day" or perhaps a mono color day, etc. But if you don't like that
idea, try the Temple of Bellsprout. It has worked for me in the past and it
could work for you. Thanks for reading! Alan M. AKA Quanaco, reachable at