Well, the Merc is getting bored with the usual "articles" (yes, I am being sarcastic with the word) that bash archetypes, are for archetypes, are against Prop 15/T2, against banning, have the exact same top 10, etc.  How about you guys?

First, I am gonna talk about "Archetypes."  In Magic, there are many, and there is variety and fun.  In Pokemon, there are few, which means mirror matches and the same moves over and over and over again, so the game is growing weak.  I knew people who quit Pokemon for Magic because Magic offers more variety and skill competition and the most important thing, thought-out stragety.  Pokemon does neither.  Instead, everyone plays Scyther.  Everyone plays Hitmonchan.  Promo Mewtwo.  Electabuzz.  Wigglytuff.  And so on.  I know they are good, but when cards become overused and/or too powerful, Wizards bans or restricts certain cards; in Magic at least.  And does everyone get upset when a card gets banned or restricted?  Of course not (Note:  Only one card in the history of Magic was not meant for banning, and we have to say "Why, Wizards?  WHY!!!???"  And that card is Dark Ritual.  A common card.  A good card.  Banned only in the Extended 1.X tournaments.).  Now, I don't hate arche!
type decks.  But I do hate them w
So you want something to be done about the current archetypes?  But you don't want banning?  Sorry, but banning and restricting cards are what make the game more interesting.  So what if you don't have access to the most powerful Pokemon or Trainer.  In Magic, no one complained when Black Lotus was restricted for being too powerful.  They just sold the other three and that was that (Note:  That was exagerative.  Everyone should know that Black Lotus is an out-of-print, roughly $500 card that is too good for it's cost.).  Also in Magic, we have the system of "errata."  That is when we change the text of a card officially so that the card is less broken.  Example:

In Magic, the "free creatures" blue got were broken.  They said "When (card name) comes into play, untap up to (number equal to the creature's casting cost) lands."  That means you tap to pay for the creature's cost.  When it enters play, you untap that many lands.  Before, this was broken, mainly because of Palinchron (seven mana, untap seven lands, you can pay four mana to return it to your hand).  What happened was people would "fish it" out of the graveyard (discard pile) with less than seven mana resurrection spells (mainly, Recurring Nightmare, three mana).  The result?  Put one Pal in the graveyard, tap seven lands for seven mana, use three to play Recurring Nightmare, return the Nightmare to sacrifice the Pal in play to return the Pal in the graveyard, untap the lands you tapped, tap for seven again, play Nightmare, return to hand and sac Pal to return other Pal, untap seven lands, and so on.  This generates an infinite mana loop.  We generate about 100 or so mana, and!
 play a Stroke of Genius (three m
So how do you decide what gets banned and what gets restricted?  I have a simple solution.  Announcing the cards that should be restricted or banned list:

1.  Double Colorless Energy:  Face it.  Two colorless energy with no draw back is broken.  Scyther showed us that.  But because it is only colorless energy, this should be: RESTRICTED.  This weakens Scyther and Wigglytuff by forcing them to play their attacks turn three.  Sure, there can be one DCE floating in the deck, but the chances of getting it will be slim, and only works on one.

2.  Computer Search:  I get to drop two other cards and get an Oak.  Or whatever.  I like this card, but this also has almost no drawback.  But because I have to have two other cards in hand, this should be:  RESTRICTED.  This keeps looking for winning cards at a minimum.

3.  Professor Oak:  What were they thinking?  We learned this lesson from Wheel of Forture in Magic.  But this is Pokemon, and only you get affected.  I like this card, but for obvious reasons, this card should be:  BANNED.  It's just too powerful of a card drawing engine.  Play Bill.  It is less broken.

4.  Energy Removal:  In Magic, lands are like energy, and we have Stone Rain as Energy Removal.  But Stone Rain can't make it until turn three (two at most).  And only Red gets it.  We also have Rain of Tears; we can Dark Rit for it and that says turn one; but even then, you have to have Dark Rit in hand and you have to be playing black.  Then we have Strip Mine; that is like playing a land to remove a land; this was banned in Extended once for being like Energy Removal.  But in Pokemon, we have Energy Removal.  Your opponent plays an Energy for the turn.  You remove it.  That says it all.  No cost.  No drawback.  Super Energy Removal is less broken, so in my opinion, this card should be:  BANNED.

5.  Gust of Wind:  Do I think this is that great?  Not really.  Sure, Haymaker benefits, but let's do something to it.  This card should be:  ERATTA'D.  It should say at the end of the text, "You cannot play this card if you have already played a Trainer card this turn.  You cannot play any more Trainer cards this turn."  So basically it is saying if you are gonna play this, it has to be the only Trainer played for the turn.

6.  Alakazam:  Wow!  Damage Swap is real good.  Maybe too good.  This card should be:  ERATTA'D.  It should allow you to exchange as many damage counters from one Pokemon onto another Pokemon and only use the Pokemon Power once for the turn.  That means you can't move damage from all of your Pokemon onto Chansey.  Only one Pokemon to another, and only once for the turn.

That's it for the list.

Now, onto the last item, the Propositions.  They hurt the game.  15 Trainers is pitiful, and playing only two a turn is just as awful.  Bannings and restrictions should be made, not these Props.  See, in Magic, we ban and restrict.  In Magic, we don't allow people to play only one spell a turn or two or tell everyone to play 20 lands, 20 creatures, and 20 spells.  In Magic, we don't change the overall rules like that.  We change a few, but they don't hurt the gameplay.  In Pokemon, however, Wizards wants people to be able to play their broken cards, but they want them to play less of them.  I know that restricting the Moxes and the Lotus in Type 1 tournaments was a good idea, but they are still broken nonetheless.  So how do you save Pokemon in a card game retrospect?  Ban, restrict, and errata.  You Pokemon players don't like it, but we Magic players need it regardless.  Magic players like variety.  When there is only one deck dominating the field, people get bored.  We then !
stop playing.  Pokemon will end u
One last thing on the agenda.  Sam Yurick stated that:

"So what if there are currently fewer than 15 viable pokemon? That isn't a sign that everybody needs to make a beedrill and venomoth deck, it's a sign that wizards needs to make less garbage.  They have the audacity to charge between $3.50 and $7.00 for a pack of eleven cards and still yet, 9 of those cards will often never be used.  Then when we do find something good in one of their shoddy boosters, they want to rule it unplayable just so that their greed-driven promotional machine can ramble on.  It isn't our fault that there are only 15 really playable pokemon, It's Wizards of the Coast's fault for not making everything playable.  Then, of the 20 really playable trainer cards, all of which work best in multiples, they want to reduce us to 15 in a deck!  The bottom line is this: Wizards doesn't want to see the game played fairly, if they wanted that then they'd make some better cards."

Well, this is like most of you "kids" (I know I am being rude now, but this needs to be said) saying there are very few "playable" cards and that Wizards keeps the people from playing them.  Let me tell you all a little something.  90% OF ALL CARDS MADE ARE PLAYABLE!  You guys just don't want to play anything new because Wizards hasn't banned the "good" stuff yet.  I mean, Fossil Psyduck is playable, but people like Hitmonchan better because "EVERYONE ELSE DOES!"  Fossil Horsea is playable, but "IT HAS LOW HP AND A WEAK ATTACK!"  In Magic, we have what is called "trash rares," rares that are totally unplayable.  But most of the cards are playable, just not in every deck.  You people expect every Pokemon card printed to work for Haymaker or Wiggly.  That is not how CCGs work.  Not every card goes into every deck.  They go into certain decks.  Any card can be playable.  You guys just need to stop hammering Wizards for not printing in your opinion "worthless cards."  They make a !
card, then distribute them.  The
That's it for the Merc.  Hate me if you want, but Pokemon is as good as dead if some changes aren't made.  Besides, is Electabuzz/Scyther/Hitmonchan really that good?  There are at least a hundred other Pokemon.  Try them.  Personally, I hope they ban DCE and ER and Oak.  That will weaken the archetypes a little.  I don't hate archetypes.  I want more.  And cutting the boring archetypes we already have will make more playable decks.

Mercury Crusader (A.K.A.:  The self proclaimed "Greatest Water Pokemon Trainer" and Team Rocket supporter)


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