With the arrival of Gym Heroes, a lot of great cards have been released,
especially in the Trainer department. But one Trainer I've noticed not being
talked about is a card called Secret Mission.

Text: Look at your opponent's hand. Then, you may discard as many other
cards as you want from you hand and draw that many cards.

This card is great! Looking at your opponent's hand is good enough, but
you're also able to get rid of the useless stuff in your hand in hopes of
getting a key card or two when drawing from your deck. Aggresive decks that
try to distrupt the opponent's strategy should definitely try to get in at
least two of this Trainer, if not more.

One good card to combo with this one is Rocket's Sneak Attack. Using Secret
Mission first will allow you to see if your opponent has any Trainers in
their hand at all, which would lead to wasting a Sneak Attack. If they do
have some, you can use Sneak knowing that it'll be effective.

All in all, Secret Mission should get a bit more credit for doing so much.
It's the 2-in-1 Trainer!

Pojo rocks! Send all comments and pizza orders to:

~The Rocket~