Hey, I am PokeManiac and here are my top 5 picks from the new gym leaders

1. Misty's Seadra...  W for 20 is very good, WWW for guaranteed 30 and
possible 90 is just so GOOD!!. A awsome card! One of the best Charizard

2. Sabrina's Gengar... P for possible 60 is nice, PPP for 40 and may shuffle
you's active pokemon to their deck. With 80 HP!

3. Lt. Surge's Fearow... CC can do up to 50, CCC Clutch is very good with
E.R. and S.E.R. no retreat cost.

4. Erika's Vilpulme... with its pokemon power it's almost inpossible to kill
Vilpulme, GGG 30 drain up hp so it keep up. Nice Card.

5. Brock's Onix(Common)... 100 HP, C paralyzes which gives you time to
attach energy to us Rock Throw RRC 30. A electric pokemon killer!

Thanx for your time!
PokeManiac dratini147@hotmail.com