Just wanted to clear up some stuff and state my opinions on some stuff.

1. Archetype is spelled ARCHETYPE. I've seen even great players like Satoshi
and Tyler Grund spell it archtype or arch-type. Look it up in a dictionary or
Brian Brokaw's Pokémon TCG Strategy guide.

2. The rare gym heroes evolving basics. People say that WoTC changed them
form common to rare, they weren't common in Japan! They were only in theme
decks, and theme deck exclusive cards have no rarity. IMO, I'd like every
card in the set available in boosters, so I don't have to buy theme decks to
get all the cards. I'm not saying Wizards didn't do this to make money, I'm
just saying they're not as evil as they seem to be.

3. People saying " Wizards is stupid for making Insert crappy card here", or
that Wizards gave the Dark pokémon low HP. WIZARDS DOESN'T MAKE THE CARDS,
MEDIA FACTORY DOES. Wizards just translates them. So don't get mad at wizards
because your favorite pokémon is magikarp and all the magikarp cards are crap.

4. Prop15 would ruin the game. I would quit, and I know about 10 other people
would, going to tournaments if they started enforcing it. Everyone would get
slaughtered by a wiggly deck and have their defense against wiggly reduced to
15 trainers. You'd have to either take out card drawing (lol), or take out
everything else and have nothing to hope for when using card drawing, while
they steamroll you. Wizards, if you can hear me, ban Wiggly, TRT, Moltres,
and SER. Then evolution decks would be playable. But don't ban other cards,
because you would keep going until magikarp's the best card.

"I can fly for 16 inches"
James Kimbell