I would just like to say first off I am not bashing any of these cards,I am
merely stating what I think of these incredibly popular cards.

Charizard:Everybody loves the big red dragon,and people have been coming up
with the idea that Charizard can be used with Double Colorless Energy due to
it's Energy Burn Power.However,if you read the card correctly you see that
it's Pokemon Power reads:
"Pokemon Power:Energy Burn As often as you like during your turn (Before you
attack.) you may turn all energy attached to Charizard into Fire Energy
cards for the rest of the turn.This power can't be used if Charizard is
Asleep,Confused or Paralyzed."
Now,if you used Energy Burn to make DCE make Fire Energy,it would create ONE
fire energy per DCE because it is no longer a DCE for  the rest of the turn
because it is a REGULAR FIRE ENERGY that produces ONE fire energy.Even if it
would work,you'd have to discard the two DCE from Charizard since it says
you have discard two energy cards,not two fire energies.
[Editors Note: Sorry, but you are wrong on this one... DCE will count for 2 Fire Energies]

Scyther:About the closest thing I've seen so far to the best card.His 70 HP
and possible 60 damage turn two make him a threat to everything and he
requires three colorless to do thirty damage.However this does not mean he
should be in every deck.Yeah yeah....all the haymakers out there are yelling
at me....but jeepers!This card is being abused and will eventually be banned
if every Tom,Dick and Harry stick it in their deck.

Blastoise:Blastoise is a great card,but why do people claim it as a god
(Note my extreme sarcasm.)? A Raindance deck can be destroyed by the new
breed of Archtypes that came after the 15 Trainer apocalypse;the Hay Fever
deck.It basicly works on the same principle as Raindance except with Dark
Vileplume.This archtype is an extreme threat to Raindance as Pokemon Breeder
and Prof.Oak won't work.Still Blastoise is an extremely strong card that is
hard to beat.This is a good card but not the best water Pokemon there can

That's all I have to say now until some I think of something else.

Miguel Caron
Little Jack ditty about Jaaaaaaacccck and Diaaaannnne!!!!!!!!!!