I opened this and I was stunned to see how stupid these lists were.  Enough
complaining, let's get to the list

>Here are some rare cards that i think are terrible and some that i think
>are awesome!!!!!  Thiz does not include Gym Leaders.
>Top 10 worst rares:
>10.Base Dragonair [Thiz card iz pretty good, but for 3 energiesyou have
>to rely on coin flips and for 4 energies to do 20 damage and remove an
>energy iz not that bad but itz pretty expensive and itz easier to use

Okay, it may not be awesome, but you'll almost always get at least 1 head for
Slam, and Hyper Beam sets your opponent back one turn each attack!  Tell me
that's bad..

>9.Fossil Raichu [90 hp iz pretty good but 4energies for 30 damage iz
>pretty costly and the new Raichu that came out will probably wipe out
>thiz card.]

Do you not read the little text?  It's 30 damage and 10 damage to 3 of your
opponent's benched Pokemon!

>8.Base Magneton [60 hp iz pretty bad and 80 damage iz pretty good,
>but!!!!! itz a 1 time use and it deals out damage to yur own pokemon.]

Hello?  Magneton has more than one attack!  30 damage plus chance of
paralysis for 3 energies!  Not bad!

>7.Snorlax [30 damage and a 50/50 chance of paralysis for four energies
>iz extremely costly and 4 to retreat iz terrible and hiz pokemon power
>wont last forever]

Okay, this guy may not be one of the best fighters, but he has stall written
all over him.  And yes, his Pokemon Power will work when he's in play as long
as there's no Muk in play.

>6.Base Zapdos [Thiz card iz an energy hog. It will take at leats 4 turns
>to get powered up not including being super enrgy removed. Once you do
>get powered up you lose it all and it takes four more turns to get it
>back. If you use his other attack you will probably do damage to himself
>that iz if you have not already been hurt while powering up.]

Ok, this is one I think you're right about.  I've never been a huge fan of
Zapdos, so I think you got the right idea here.

>5.Pidgeotto [Thiz iz a rare???!!!Whirlwind iz in your opponents favor
>and mirror iz expensive and sometimes will not work. Use breeders to
>avoid Pidgeotto and get up to Pidgeot.]

Whoa, Whirlwind is in your opponent's favor?????  And nobody's stupid enough
to use Mirror Move when it won't work.  Come on....

>4.Clefairy [Thiz iz a rare to??!!! Sing can stall for a while but if it
>fails Clefairy will not last long at all. By the time you get the three
>energies on Clefairy to do metronome shes already dead. Only use
>Clefairy if your using Clefable.]

Okay, most people that use Clefairys in their decks can power it up in two
turns.  The HP isn't awesome, but once it's powered up....

>3.Jungle Electrode [Tackle iz a pretty weak attack and 3 energies for 20
>and 10 damage to a bench iz not very cool and plus you have to get by
>the pathetic Voltorb first.]

Whoa, "not very cool"?  Come on!  This card kills mono-type decks fast!  As
far as Voltorb is concerned, ever heard of the bench?

>2.Rocket Golbat [50 hp???!!! How long could thiz pokemon last??!! You
>can only use hiz pokemon power once when he iz put into play and 10
>damage iz weak. 20 damage iz also bad and you have to get by Zubat

OK, this Pokemon isn't awesome, but notice that you apply Weakness and
Resistance for the Pokemon Power.  Two energies for the attack that damages
any Pokemon?  Resistance to Fighting, which is one of the most frequently
used types now.  Not awesome, but still good.

>1.Jungle Victreebell [A stage three that you have to wait a loooooong
>time to get out. Lure iz ok but they probably will retreat back. Acid iz
>pathetic. who cares if the defending pokemon cant retreat. My gosh
>Victreebell iz just so damaging ( note the sarcasm.)]

'Nuff said.

>Top 10 best rare pokemon: (Im not including the followingcards because
>their obviously good: Blastoise, Alakazaam, Scyther, Electabuzz,
>Hitmonchan and, Wigglytuff)

Whoa, I thought this was the Top 10 Best Rare Pokemon, not the Top 10 best
Pokemon that people didn't know were good!  Geez...

>10.Ninetails [Great fire pokemon with 1 retreat and 80 damge with i card

Okay, you're right here.  Ninetails is one of the most underused Fire
Pokemon, and I don't know why, because it's good.

>9.Gyarados [Awesome water card that can do 50 damage for 3 and 40 with a
>50/50 chance of paralysis.]

This is "Awesome", but it's only #9?  Leaving out the rares you said, there
aren't eight cards better than Gyarardos.

>8.Dark Alakazam [Using teleport balst, you can stay in battle for a
>while and mind shock getz you around the colorless pokemon.]

60 HP!  It would be a shame if you had no more benched Pokemon that could
attack.  Only That happened to my friend, and he was left with his Dark
Alakazam and no bench against a Wigglytuff with no damage and a full bench. 
Doesn't belong here.

>7.Beedrill [Free retreat cost, high hp and 40 damage and a chance of
>poison iz awesome!!!]

Again, another infrequently used card.  Only downside is that it's a stage 2.

>6. Fossil Haunter [50 hp iz not that great but with transparency and
>nightmare your opponent will be flipping a lot of coins before it can

It's good, but one tails, and you're toast.  Otherwise, it's pretty good.

>5.Dark Vileplume [Trainers beware and can deal a bit of damage also.]

Awfully double-edged.  You can't do a lot of things to help your game.  60 HP
is also pathetic for a stage 2.  Don't recommend in decks.

>4.Venasaur [Solar beam iz awesome and energy trans iz awesome. When
>compared to rain dance people might think that he sux but usually when
>he getz out theres a lot of energy in the arena.]

It's good, but would be much better if it wasn't limited to Grass energy.

>3. Dark Blastoise [70 hp iz not that great but 2 for hydrocannon iz
>awesome and rocket tackle can do 40 and prevent damage.]

Finally!  Somebody who gives Dark Blastoise the respect it deserves!  Wait,
it's only third?  Hey!  It's better than that!

>2.Clefable [1 energy to copy your opponents attack!!!!!! My gosh thiz iz
>awesome you can get a fully powered clefable in 1 turn!!! When facing
>exeguttor and dark charizard itz a Clefables dream!!!]

I can't say how good this is, as I have never used it in a deck.  Just
looking at it though, it seems awesome.

>1.Chansey [120 hp, a basic and 1 energy to retreat iz really kewl and
>using scrunch for two colorless energies to prevent damage will keep
>chansey in battle for a long time. Double edge can be agreat finisher
>and an emergency move. Great and powerful card!!!!]

Whoa, Chansey is, according to this, the best card in the game?!?!?!?!?!?!? 
Good god, it's not even in my top 10!  Goodness gracious.

I think there are some other things that are missing, not including those
that serpent004 chose to leave out.  For instance:

Dark Charizard

I hope that people think about what they will post in the future.

Fuzzy B

Send comments to BlzyeJr@aol.com