Hi everyone, this is Adam. Today in this article we will take a look at
Dragonite (Fossil), a card which is not used enough.

The stats...

Name: Dragonite
HP: 100
Stage: Stage 2 - from Dragonair.
Type: Colourless
Weakness: None
Resistance: Fighting
Retreat: 1
Power: 'Step In', Once during your turn (before you attack) you may switch
Dragonite with your active Pokemon. This power can't be used if this pokemon
is asleep, confused or paralysed.
Attack: Slam (40X) Flip 2 coins. This attack does 40 damage times the number
of heads.

Most people will just pass by this card and dismiss it as 'another unuseable
rare, like Dark Magneton or Victreebel'. But here are some things I have
noticed about this card.

* If you have one Dragonite active and one Dragonite Benched, if the Active
one gets Asleep, Confused, Paralysed, Poisoned etc. then Step In and Step in
again with the Dragonite you had before! The status effect will go away.

* No weakness, resistance to Fighting, 100 HP and one retreat cost on a
Stage 2! That is amazing.

* Attack is good, can do 80 damage. Plus it is colourless.

The reason why I am writing this article is because my friend plays with a
Dragonite - Alakazam - Articuno deck and it regularly beats my deck. But the
main reason why is that my deck is Water/Fighting and a lot of his cards
have resistance to Fighting or are Psychic type! Hitmonchan and Machamp are
NOT good against Dragonite. Believe me. Especially when your opponent has
Alakazam in play! But it is good when I get my Blastoises out to do damage
and power up Lapras. That makes it not so easy for him.

But I do believe Dragonite is a great card, which is just not used enough.
The ONLY bad thing about Dragonite is that his Basic Pokemon is not
brilliant. So if you evolve as soon as possible Dratini should survive for

Also, don't underrate Dragonite's power: In some situations it means that
any Pokemon can 'retreat' for 1 energy.

Comments and questions can be sent to hoodadam@hotmail.com

By Adam.

PS: Please put this on your website. Thanks