Hullo.  I really was expecting more angry mail over my last article, but instead I got nice replies.  Imagine!  Well, someone finally told me that I was weird, that they didn't believe I was really in the hospital for weeks, and that I was an idiot for trying to trade four Charizard for one Pidgey.  They also pointed out that Wizards wouldn't stay in business if they just threw boosters at us on the streets.
    Statisfied, I prepared for another article (By the way, the above will make no sense to you if you don't read my article "A Rant'n Parody," 9/18).  Well, "Top Tens" appear to be the cool thing to do, so I prepared one, and in a few moments, you, the lucky reader, may view it!  Hurray!
    If you bothered to read the title of this article (before you mindlessly clicked on it), you are aware that the following are, in my humble opinion, the Top Ten Colorless Pokémon to stick in your deck.  Oh yes, our friend Wigglytuff was not included, as it probably needs the deck to be built around itself; it likely shouldn't be plopped just anywhere.  Without further adieu, away we go!
10.  Team Rocket's Meowth.   I have to admit, Mercury Crusader really convinced me here (his article is posted in this section, go find it).  In any case, great damage, and in a basic.  Don't cry because it can hurt itself.  Cheer because it can kill itself, and maybe the opposition, too.  Nice Promo.
09.  Persian.  Disclaimer:  Evolutions probably shouldn't be thrown into any deck, but Persian is great.  If you can find enough Promo Meowth, this is a great Anti-Psy Pokémon.  Pounce is a nice attack, and no retreat can seal your deal.
08.  Dodrio.  Okay, another evolution, but come on.  Rage is a neat attack, and Retreat Aid works wonders.  Mr. Mime, Chansey, Rocket's Scyther, and many more can do their thing and get out of the way quickly when this is in play.  And as an Onix player, I can tell you the huge difference between retreating for three and two.  "It's um, a whole bunch...  Of difference, that is...  uh, yeah."
07.  Brock's Lickitung.  Brock is naturally my favorite Gym Leader, but that's not why his Lickitung is here.  High HP, and decent attacks make this a great one to stuff into your deck.  Retreat is high, though.  Double Colorless Energy helps, and so does Dodrio, listed above.
06.  Chansey.  I know tons of Chansey fans just kicked their hard drive straight our the end of their computer when they saw that Chansey only made # 6.  Sorry.  But note, the goal of this list, although it may be ill-accomplished, is to show Pokémon that can fit anywhere.  Chansey is GREAT in stall, Damage Swap, almost all Psychic Decks.  That said, most decks need more card drawing power than stalling power (once again, my humble opinion).  That said, Chansey is a great pick.  Tremendously high Hit Points, Scrunch, Low Retreat, and the ability to deal Eighty (!!!) Damage in one shot is great!  I think it, Dodrio, and maybe Fuji would make good friends...
05.  Dark Dragonair.  Obviously, you shouldn't stick this in if 1) you have no evolution, and/or 2) you have no Dratini.  Evolutions can be slow, but this little fellow can speed them out for you.  Why wasn't Dark Dragonite included?  No way I'm going to advise sticking a whole Stage 2 line in if you have a few extra spaces in your deck.
04.  Erika's Dratini.  Erika, her maids, and a lot of Hay-Haters would have liked this to be number one, and truth be told, I think it probably should be a bit closer to the coveted spot.  In any case, the great thing about this fellow is it's instant Hay metagame.  It can take four good Hay hits, until you can get something beefier out.  Wonderful.  This is also a neat Pokémon to build an entire deck around.  I've seen it done, and I've seen it done rather well.
03.  Kangaskhan.  Card Advantage.  In my opinion, if you need something to hold up the fort while you go into a massive building stage, this is great.  "But you'll Deck!"  Go play a staller, if you fear decking.  If you crave winning by prize drawing, you should know that Card Advantage will help you claim victory, and claim it a lot quicker.
02.  Lickitung.  "How did this beat all those others!?"  Well, Lickitung is easy to get a hold of (buy some more Base II; you'll get it and other great cards), and not energy intensive.  Some say the retreat cost makes up for this, but I see Lickitung, because it needs little energy to function, being Scooped, or even retreat the regular ole way.  If you've got two energy on it, add one more and whisk it off.  Or, just let it sit and stall, until it can't stall no more (i.e. it gets knocked out).  Wonderful.  No need to add extra DCE.  It functions on the first turn, if need be.  Newbies, stick some of these in!  In case you have yet to notice, I'm a bit of a Lickitung fan.
01.  Ditto.  People will either praise or condemn you for speaking highly of it, but hey, it's great.  with Gust of Wind, your opponent's most powerful weapon becomes your toy.  Pokémon Powers can be in your control, tons of things.  An opponent's Gust or Muk may spell doom, but hey, I think it's a risk worth taking.  A whole bundle of "Pojo's Puzzlers" have been won by this little card, and for good reason. 
    Well, there you go.  If disagree with the ranking, or think that Clefable was gypped, don't tell me.  Put them in your deck, and be proud.  Or, the old stand by, send me some complaints.  Scyther also fits into a lot of decks, and if, in the middle of deck building (or copying, as the case may be), you find two or three extra spaces (five in the case of the evolutions), then glance over this list, and see what suits you best.  Thanks for reading....
    But wait!  I'm not done yet!  I have a little more to discuss (be happy that the list was first).  An emerging popular notion is that it is "uncool" to talk to your Pokémon.  I think that the goal of Pokémon is that the players find themselves in their own world, one that they can enjoy.  In any case, if you've read my other Articles, you my notice that I sign each one with "XP-C39˛, and his silly Onix, Idiom."  But just who is Idiom?  A silly Onix, of course!  In response to recent complaints, I will now take time to talk to Idiom, so that you might meet the Rock Snake behind the Articles.
XP-  "Hullo there, Idiom!"
Idiom-  "Howdy, Friend."
XP-  "So, how are you?"
Idiom-  "Fine and dandy, like a piece 'o candy!"
XP-  "Um, Okay.  I'm fine, I suppose."
Idiom-  "This was a really dumb idea, XP."
XP-  "Yes, I suppose it was."
Idiom-  "You know, this dialog takes up a lot of room..."
XP-  "Don't..."
Idiom-  "Hullo"
Idiom-  "There"
Idiom-  "Internet"
Idiom-  "Using"
Idiom-  "Person."
Idiom-  "...Who --"
XP-  "Good Grief, Idiom, return!"
    Wow, that wasted a lot of room.  Are you still reading?  I would have figured you'd scroll down to my address to send me a few complaints after Idiom uttered the words "Fine and dandy, like a piece 'o candy."  Well, here is the address.  Thanks for Reading, and a good day to you!
XP-C39˛, and his silly Onix, Idiom