What would you say if I told you there was a card out now that is like the result of a cross between Electabuzz and Scyther?  Got your attention?
It's called Blaine's Kangaskhan.  It's first attack, Child's Punch, is almost like Electabuzz's Thundershock. The difference is that you flip for the 10 damage, not for paralysis, and that it takes 1C instead of 1 electric.  So, it's not as good as Electabuzz, but much better than Scyther's in the absence of Grass energy on Scyther and a DCE in your hand (how often does that REALLY happen?).
His second attack is a true blend of Electabuzz and Scyther's second attacks.  3C to attack (just like Scyther).  30 Damage (like both), and flip for 10 more (like 'Buzz).  The big difference here is that tails just means no extra 10 to the defending poke, NOT 10 to 'Khan!
He shares Electabuzz's weakness to fighting, but brings resistance to Psy, which is very important with the widespread presence of MP Mewtwo.  And of course, no one is weak to Colorless, at least not yet.  But no one is resistant, either.
In spite of my comparisons to both pokes, I think Blaine's Kangaskhan is really more like Scyther, and he compares VERY favorably to him.  Not only will he do more damage half the time, he can do damage with 1 energy of any color, and he also has 10 more (80) hp! 
Blaine's Kangaskhan, as a true colorless, it splashable in any deck, and is a great choice to add Psy Resistance to a Fighting or Psy deck that is otherwise weak to Psy.  He is good enough to be splashed in most any deck, and could even add offense to a stall deck!  He can be used in place of or in addition to Scyther to diversify your weakness and resistances. The one place Scyther outshines him is in an Electric Deck.  I wouldn't put him in an Electric deck, as he would just compound your weakness to fighting, where Scyther has resistance to fighting and would be a much better choice.
In comparison to his big brother Kangaskhan, the big differences are:  10 less hp, doesn't do Fetch (attacks for damage instead), only requires 3 energy to attack instead of 4, at least 30 damage is assured where big bro' relies entirely on flips.  Both have a retreat cost of 3C (ouch!).  I think Blaine's version is a better choice in most decks, and is a great choice to replace or complement Scyther in most decks.
Oh yeah, did I mention, IT'S AN UNCOMMON, NOT A RARE!