To deduce the outcome of this rather overlooked question I'm going to look
at 2 main points: HP and attacks (other features such as resistance weakness
and retreat costs are exactle the same).

HP verdict:

Well this is probably pretty obvious, the jungle eevee obviously holds the
overarching arm with the 10 extra HP which can be vital, especially if it's
your only pokemon (a machop can knock out the TR eevee for just one fighting
energy). Therefore, the jungle eevee wins here.

Attacks verdict:

Both eevees come with 2 moves with the first costing 1 colourless energy,
and the second costing 2 colourless energy:

1 energy attack comparison:

You usually just have 1 energy to dispose on your first turn (unless you've
got a double colourless energy) and so this move is the most important.
Whereas the jungle eevee can prevent damage to it on the next turn only half
the time ("Tail Wag"), the TR eevee will guarantee you 10 damage to your
opponent's pokemon with its "Tackle". I'm no fan of heads or tails moves
that leave you with othing if you get tails (especially when benching either
pokemon ends the effect anyway), and so in my opinion TR eevee's first move
is much better than the jungle version's, and so TR eevee wins this bout.

2 energy attack comparison:

Hmmmm....TR's eevee's move ("Sand-attack") does 10 damage again (for sure)
and also gives you a 50% chance of the defending pokemon's next attack of
doing nothing (that is, if your opponent doesn't retreat his/her active
pokemon). That's pretty good, but compared to the jungle version eevee's
"Quick Attack" which can do 10 damage plus 20 more damage if you get heads
on a coin flip (averages to about 20 damage if you add the probabilities -
(1/2(tails) x 10) + (1/2(heads) x 30) = 20), TR's eevee's 2nd move isn't
that good, and if you favour damage over defense(don't link this with HP
though) like me, you'd agree with me saying that the jungle eevee's 2nd
attack is much better.

Who's attacks are better?

Whereas it looks like a tie, I'd have to go with TR's eevee because first
attacks are basically the most important (especially for basic pokemon), and
whereas the jungle version's eevee has the potential of blocking your
opponents next attack, TR's eevee will ensure you an essential 10 damage
from the start, so I'd have yo say that TR's eevee has better attacks.

Who's better?

Well it all comes down to the question of whether you prefer higher HP or
faster attacks-I definitely favour higher HP, but even though you may arrive
to the same concusion as I have I still insist that you use them at a ratio
of 1 TR eevee: 2 or 3 jungle eevees (but that's as high as it can go
anyway). Good luck building your decks!
