Hello, and this is Mr. Dinosaur with another article. I'm here to talk about
false rarity. When pokémon card game was first released in america, most
people didn't know much strategy and when people saw charizard, they
instantly said "HOLY *BEEP*!!!! IT'S SHINY, AND EVEN BETTER, IT DOES 100
DAMAGE AND HAS 120 HP!!!!!" So everyone began to search for Charizards. Same
thing with Zapdos. So shop owners think "Ooooo. Since everyone thinks these
cards are so great, lets jack up the price!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! <Puts a
$10000000 dollar price tag on the card>" So then what happens? Go to Pojo's
price guide. Look through all the sets with charizard. Now compare it with
the other cards in the set. Notice anything? I did. Charizard is always the
1st or 2nd most expensive card in the set(Or very expensive). And all
because of that first little itty bitty charizard in the first set. And I
also think the same thing is with Zapdos.....I don't really know. So please
people, don't do this with any other cards.....false rarity is just too
expensive for anyone's good.

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