#Who's got an attack capable of insane damage?#
#No!  Exeggutor!#

    The point of that stupid little song bit is to stress to you the beauty of the fat, Janus-like coconut tree.  People hail Charizard (pronounced 'Char-iz-ud'; who says 'liz-aaard', not 'liz-ud'?) as having the highest damage attack.  Wrong.  Exeggutor has it!  He's fabulous (I refuse to use the terminology 'da bomb'.  I think it belittles humanity).

    A simple, but fun, deck idea is the Exeggutor-Stall deck.  You stall with a Kangaskhan (to Fetch Energy) or Chansey, whilst you power him up on the bench.  Add four DCE into the deck,,too! Keep attaching one energy per turn until he's got about ten (should make about 100 damage per turn!).  Then, Switch on and GO FOR IT!  Keepm attaching to make him even more potent!

    I do know there are problems with this idea - but they can be solved with plenty of the necessary Trainers, Item Finders to return them and Computer Searches to get them!
    Problem: Gust of Wind.  Answer: include four Switch  to cure this.
    Problem: If he dies.  Answer: Four Super Potion and Potion.  Also, include four Defender - you can even add them when he's benched!
    Problem: If you flip a load of tails.  Answer: Include four "Curse you, God, for toying with my soul!".

    Right, I know this wouldn't stand up in your (I say so because I know nothing of this, seeing as there are no tournaments in the UK and the only people I play are friends - and we don't play for winning boosters) 'fast tournament environment'.  But, if you do play for fun, and not winnings, this deck is the most amusing ever!

    Try it,

Chris Fenwick


'Zabbbaddoooobey Quiz'

    An extra bit added to all of my articles.  People to send me the correct answer gets congratulated in my next article!

Question: In which company did the engineers who founded Adobe originally work?
Answers to: caecilius@mac.com