Yes, I know you're probably saying,"Pokedex!? What is this guy talking
Well, it's simple. Blaine's Magmar Lv. 29 does 20 damage x each fire
energy you discard out of 5 cards. Pokedex helps you find out if there
are any fire energies in those 5 cards or if you should use
Firebreathing. If you do discard energy, use energy Retrieval to get it
back! Pokedex would be useless if you had no trainers in your deck. But
who would really do that? Even though Blaine's Magmar has 10 less hp than
Fossil one, I like it just as well. Think about it. There's a slight
chance of 100 damage!
I don't know about you, but he's going in my deck!

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