Hi all, I'm sure most of you have heard several people complain about the poss
ibility of Base Set Three. First off, the key word there is possibility, as
in it may or may not happen at all.
    And second, if you look beyond the stereotype of Wizards being total
idiots for making BS2, you'd relize that a new base set going through Gym
Challenge would be a good thing! Look at it this way, instead of buying Base
Set, Jungle, Fossil, Rocket, and the two Gyms, you'd be buying them all at
the same time!  It would eliminate all need for buying the other packs! You'd
be saving money and getting cards from all the sets at the same time!
    Just a small, insignifigant thought from a small, insignifigant person:

SNYG182@aol.com or SNYG182@yahoo.com