I Just wanted to put my two cents in about three colored decks.  Some people think it is too risky to put three colors in your decks.  Why you ask?
Reason Number 1.  Not enough space to put all three colors in.  Maybe true but if you put pokemon that can take colorless energy and their type of energy you should have no problem. 
Reason Number 2.  How do I get out the little energy that I have ?  Must I list the trainers that could possibly get out the right type of energy.  Oak, Bill, Energy search(maybe not widely used but good in three or even two colored decks), Computer search.  Not only are the trainers good but there a necessity in most wigglys, haymakers, and three colored decks.  Use pokemon and trainers to reuse the energy.  Put in NGR and energy retrievals. Also use Movie Mewtwo. 
Reason Number 3.  Which Pokemon do I use?  Like i said before use pokemon that use their type of energy and colorless types too. Or just use some colorless pokemon too.  The four pokemon i use are Hitmonchan, Electrabuzz, Movie Mewtwo and lickitung.  Three out of four have speed and all can use any type of energy including their own type.  Pokemon not to use Fossil magmar.  It only takes fire energy.  Nothing else.  Lapras.  Same reason except it only takes water energy. 
So any ways that it what i think about three colored decks.  I think they are really good.  but if you think different I respect your opinion.  Please Email me with your opinions.
Chris Floyd