Here's a suggestion for a fun Pokemon League activity that's especially
good for younger players:

Gather up a bunch of your extra cards--include some promos if you have any.
Be sure you include a pair of each card, but don't include any holo-foil cards.

At a suitable break time during the League session, shuffle the cards
thoroughly and arrange 16-32 of them face down on a table (this is best
done at the free end of a table).

Now gather six to eight of your League players, and tell them the rules:

Each player gets to flip over two cards.

If they match, the player gets to keep them.

If they don't match, the player turns them back over and the next player
has a turn.

You can repeat this as long as the cards last.

I began doing this as a League activity two weeks ago, and the kids really
love it. It's a good test of memory skills, and helps them learn that
paying attention has its benefits. It's also a great way to get some extra
cards into the hands of kids.

Have fun!

Brent Hosage