Top Ten Rocket cards are as follows.

#10-Dark Dragonair-Its pokemon power helps ...sometimes......
#9-Dark Jolteon-One energy attack for 20.The only problems;weakness and Hit
#8-Dark Muk-I like cards that make make a Scyther have to pay to retreat.
#7-Dark Vileplume-Too many decks rely on trainers.This card can ruin your
whole plan.
#6-Dark Blastoise-Can do 70 damage for 4 energy (140 to a fire type)
#5-Rocket's Moltres-I said Rocket cards ,not from a specific
expansion.Anyways,Rocket's Moltres can take many pokemon out with Fire
Wall,and Rebirth is like making it the Energizer bunny.
#4-Rocket's Hitmonchan-Crosscounter is the perfect revenge;if it were not for
the coin flip.Magnum Punch delivers 10 more damage to a fighting resistant
pokemon than the original for the same cost.
#3-Rocket's Scyther-Shadow Images is like a none stop sand-attack.One retreat
is cool along with a resistance to fighting.Blinding Scythe will just tear
open a pokemon.
#2-Rocket's Zapdos-Plasma rules!Electroburn is alright ,except for the
damaging part.
#1-Rocket's Mewtwo-Well lets see;Retreat is pretty good,Juxtapose is a
lifesaver,Hypnoblast is a great stall,and Psyburn perfects this Pokemon.
That's why its number one.

-This was the KRAZY PSYKKO speaking his mind

If you don't like my ideas then you should tell me at:KRAZY