Hey Pojo! I have another article for you. I really urge you to read it
and I hope I don't offend anyone there, I am just stating my opinion.
Please post this in the strategy section, but please do not put it under
"Is Pokemon Dying?," it doesn't quite get my point across. Thanks!
Many a time have I shown my friends my post on the Pojo under the
section "Is Pokemon Dying?" in the TCG Strategy section. So I decided to
repeat myself, yet I will exlpain it in such a way you don't have to
fathom it too much.=)

Okay. Many kids are complaining of the prices of Pokemon cards, and how
everyone is getting jipped out of their cards. Just today, some little
4th grader thought he could look cool in front of his friends by trading
his Venusaur for my non-holo Ditto. Now, some people would state that
they would not have gone through with that trade for one reason: They
understand Ditto's potiential. (Yes, I am reffering to Ditto) And that I
respect fully, and I understand very easily, yet others do not. But that
is their ignorance, right? WRONG! They just do not see why someone would
not trade a Ditto for a Venasaur. They see Ditto as a less usefull
Pokemon and discard them for the Venasaur in half a second. And I do
admit that I did, for I had the chance and I was almost exasperated by
the thought of the trade. A Venasaur for a Ditto! Good for some, but not
to many. Yet in some way both of these people have, in my opinion, the
correct judgement and philosephy on Pokemon trading.

Yet the only reason I can't understand the absence of the
open-mindedness of a few (in other words, not ALL of these people)of
these unfortunate people is this: They use something that some people
use to find out if they are trading the way the should trade. And that
thing they use is a price guide. They use the price guide as a boundry,
of which origin they fear and shall not cross.

And I want to made it to be known that it is OK to cross that boundry,
and I do not despise these price guides but only that I do not like the
way that they are used by traders, collectors and players. They use this
price guide as if it were stone, and of which yeild the Ten Commandments
upon it. They don't once use their own judgement and actually think for
themselves. All they do is look for the price of this, or that, or a
card they just traded. And it is to my opinion that: Price guides should
only be used as a light boundry, just in case that for once you can't
decide if you should trade or not. But price guides are abused and until
anybody understands that they need to actually THINK about what they're
trading rather than just looking at their price guide, Pokemon is a hell
hole, right? Nope. Not one itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-tinny-whinny bit. It
just makes it more challenging for myself, and a little easier for them.
It isn't fair to us now, nor them. But hopefully this message will
become widely popular and will effect the people and give them hope, and
to raise Pokemon to it's full potiential and greatness.

And to get everyone who didn't understand what I said to realize my
point, I give you this.

Price guides are far, FAR from acurate. There is only one thing that can
exactly find the value of every card, and that is you. Only you can
decide if it is a good trade; no price guide can acclomplish that.

I recomend that nobody uses a price guide. But that is my opinion and I
do not discriminate against the people that use them. I once used one,
but started to trade mush better when I sold it. So I don't use it and
never will.

And as a closing note: You will never get jipped out of a trade if you
don't use a price guide. If you think for yourself and find a card's
true value and exploit it, you will NEVER get jipped. 110% Certified.

I hope you learned something from this. Thanks.

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