Dear Pojo,
    I have noticed something misleading about many cards....the rarity
symbols mean nothing!! Some friends and I even took the time and money to
conduct an experiment.  We each bought 6 Fossil booster packs (at different
stores at different times.  We even picked the packs we wanted) and the
results were very strange. Only one of those 24 packs contained a Mysterious
Fossil!! Three of them contained a Non-Holo Hypno, while 2 also had a Holo
Moltres.  Oddly enough, all of us had a Dragonite, but none of us had even a
Grimer. Not one Tentacool or Tentacruel appeared in any of those packs, and
neither did Graveler. These symbols are misleading, as the cards aren't
nearly rare or common as these symbols say they are. Please take the time to
post this.