We all know what the three decks are that people say are dominating
tournaments everywhere. Haymaker, Raindance, and anything with Alakazam in
it. Well, with Jungle and Fossil cards, a fourth deck has risen, and easily
defeats these three (however lacks against a burn deck). Grass. Here is an
example of a deck that could see a place at your next local tournament.

4x Scyther
3x Grimer
   2x Muk
3x Jigglypuff
   2x Wigglytuff
3x Bulbasaur
   2x Ivysaur
      1x Venusaur
4x Bill
2x Professor Oak
3x Pokemon Center
2x Scoop Up
4x Gust of Wind
4x Double COlorless Energy
21x Grass Energy

As you can see, this deck has Muk for the Raindance and Alakazam Decks,
Scyther for the Haymakers (and he's just damn good), and Wigglytuff for the
late game kill. Venusaur/Poke Center is another late game help, and scoop up
goes well with scyther. Have fun with this one, and you will probably kick
some tail.

Stephen Mortimer