Hi there. Many of you know me only as The Pokemon Lady--I am some person
who knows a lot about the game of Pokemon, and who is vocal when it comes
to posting my opinions here at the Pojo.

Well, there is a person behind the screen-name, of Pokemon Lady. I have a
real-life name, and a real-life family, and a real-life life, just like you
do. Pokemon is something that I do for fun. It is not my job... I don't
work for WOTC, although that might be interesting. I don't get paid to host
tournaments, both real life and online. I do it because I know how much fun
people have playing this interesting and strategic game.
My confidence in the Online-Pokemon Community suffered a huge blow Saturday
night/Sunday morning when I read mail after mail from persons who, well,
said some things that a lady just doesn't repeat. They called me all manner
of filthy names and some accused me of really  being a man.

I admit that I lost my temper. I don't understand how people can just sit
there, time after time, being told, "I am sorry, but I didn't receive any
registration for you... I didn't put you in the tournament..." and "I am
sorry, but there isn't a place for you... registration is closed..." But I
can say, that when I am trying to get a tournament going, and there are 28
people waiting on me, starting an argument and screaming at me over the
GOOEY chat is not a way to endeer yourself to me. I promice that certain
people will NEVER be allowed to participate in a tournament that I host.
You know who you are.

I don't know what gets into people when competition comes up. In some real
life tournamnets I have seen eople were some of the nicest people I could
know, some of my best friends, turn into raging, yelling, hurtful people
that I don't recognize. In the normal course of a day, or a week, these
people are wonderful; but, put them in a tournament situation, and they
become monsters!

Perhaps it is the change in personality that some people seem to suffer
from that cause ministers and priests and parents to worry about the occult
influence that the game might be having on thier child. Just think about
it.... Little Anne, who is normally a quiet, reserved, calm child becomes a
kid who yells at her opponent, a child who takes pleasure in attacking and
defeating another child, and who maliciously cuts down the losing opponent
after she wins... any parent with eyes can see the difference in his or her
child when it is a change this obvious.

I will be hosting another tournament. I figure that I have to at least give
it one more chance. If you are interested, you need to look at the league page.

I love you all.