hello pojo,

            i have a little something to say about the haymaker.  it seems
that everyone is saying to be original.  and the haymaker is not very
original.  but if you take this great deck and think about strategies and use
it the proper way, you have a have a somewhat original deck.  i know it
sounds confusing, but think.  a haymaker is always doing something,
attacking, useing a trainer, or, my favorite, drawing prizes!  people are
puting few energies and more trainers. well, yes put in lots of trainer, but
use lots of energy, why because if you have low damage doing pokemon and you
always have to attack. putting in 7 electric and 9 fighting is not going to
cut it.  try 13 fighting and 12 electric.  then you say, well if i have lots
of trainers and lots of energies and lots of pokemon.... stop right there. 
you only need 10 to 14 pokemon, or even 8.   8 is a little low but i have
heard of decks with 8 pokemon doing good.  but pokemon that dont belong are
chanseys and zapdos.  maybe chansey but that is really pushing it. these guys
use 4 energies for there attack.  they take to long to pump.  so being
original might mean a lickingtongue.  he has a high retreat cost but if you
draw crap then he is good to go with.  and putting in 4 energy removal might
not be very good.  Try putting in 3 or 4 gust cause you can just kill a weak(
or strong) pokemon with no energies on it, that saves a lot of effort.  The
haymaker still is not very original, but if it was it would not be a
haymaker.  and believe me ever sense fossil came out a lot less people are
using haymakers( at least where i live). 
        if you disagree or have any suggestions feel free to your opinion at
Lobrico@aol.com   thanx pojo, you got the best site.