This is a list of several, simple things that can be done to improve your

#1 At the start of the game, put a pokemon with no retreat cost up as your
active pokemon. That way you can see what your opponent will use, then put
up an appropriate pokemon.

#2 When ever one of your pokemon is knocked out, replace it with a pokemon
that has no retreat cost, that way, you can size up the situation after
drawing a card, and put up an appropriate pokemon.

#3 Make the most of your computer searches, if you are going to use Prof.
Oak, make use of any computer searches, pokemon traders, maintenence, etc.
Since when you use Prof. Oak all cards in your hand are discarded, so delay
using prof oak and use comp. search to draw whatever specific card you need,
play it, then oak. For instance, I have bulbasaur on my bench, ivysaur,
comp. search, oak, and two cards I want to get rid of in my hand, I evolve
bulbasaur into ivysaur, use comp search discard the two cards I want to get
rid off and pull venusaur out of my deck. Next turn, Evolve ivysaur into
venusaur, if you drew energy play it, then use prof. oak, discarding a now
depleted deck, and drawing 7 new cards.

#4 Don't get nervous and don't rush. Becoming nervous and rushing ensure
stupid mistakes, which lose games.
