Hey Pojo and all you pojomaniacs.  First thing's first, POJO ROCKS!  Finally
i decided to write an article about something.  This isn't about how cards
suck or how cards rule or about haymaker or raindance.  It's about making
good decks using less money (attention parents! teach your kids this).  If
you get low allowance or your parents dont want you buying too many cards or
if you just dont wanna spent too much money, this article's for you. I read
a few great articles recently and made me come up with this idea.  Those 2
were "Are all americans rich?" (10.16.99) and the one that touched me was
"Unoriginal Decks" by Brett (10.16.99).  Ok enuff with the introducing. 
Here are some great cards you can make without going broke:

Farfetch'd:  Hey this guy is awesome for $1.75. He has 50hp and 2 30damage
attacks.  they are very energy efficient.  also 1 retreat aint bad and
resistance to fighting is sweet.  This guy should be 1 of your main
attackers in your less expensive deck.  Read more about him in older

Jynx: Probably the best psychic card if you count the price.  for $1.75 he's
1 of the best.  whooping 70hp with heavy attacks.  only bad thing is his
retreat and no resistance.  You can load tons of damage for low prices

Magmar:  Another uncommon $1.75 card.  He's pretty darn good for a fire
basic.  downside is his retreat and no resistance but other than that, he's
another good choice less expensive decks.

Koffing:  One of the most overlooked cards in TCG history (lil bit
exagerated) made it's way into this list.  50hp is not bad and with a deadly
status change attack.  Look in an old article for more details.  some of you
are saying "hah scyther can whoop him" but he's almost 8% of the money you'd
spend on scyther.  think about using him.

Electabuzz: I know i know he's a rare card but there are many ways to get
this great card.  First off all Electabuzz is 1 of my favourite cards
because of his 70hp and 3+/- attack with only 2 enegies and 1 energy for 10
damage and status effect.  Ok even though electabuzz is a little expensive
he's very easy to get from people who dont read the pojo *grin*.  Trade a
useless holo for a few electabuzzes to someone who likes stuff shined up
real nice.  then you can turn it sideways and st....ahh nevermind.  also
he's 1 of the less expensive rares.

Machop:  This guy is the small version of the legendary hitmonchan.  great
starter with 1 hit 20 damage and ok 50hp.

Dewgong:  1 card that's comparable to gyardos is dewgong.  He's only
uncommon $1.75 that can deal some serious damage.

Dodou/Dodrio:  These guys are great.  Doduo is a $.75 card that can do
damage fast and get out fast without getting jabbed on the first turn and
dieing on the second (becareful of buzz tho).  He's also great cause he's
the basic of a very essenial cardd, Dodrio!  Dodrio has great attacks, no
retreat cost, whoopin 75hp, resistance to fighting and has the PP to switch
using 1 less energy.  with only about $2.25 you can get this great combo,
remember get multiples!

Mankey:  Another overlooked card but he's good when you are looking for
cheaper cards.  Leave him on the bench as a spy, only disadvantage is that a
GoW from your opponent can be badd.  Only use when you've got some empty
space.  Mankey is like $.75 so it's worth it.

JigglyPuff:  He's one of my favourites also.  1 energy to sleep and 2 energy
for 20 damage, dont forget the colourless.  50hp aint bad either plus the
low retreat.  He's a .$75 monster you can get easily and he is effective
even without he's big bro.

Spearow/Fearow:  Awesome cards, heavy attacks, ok hp, resisitance and no
retreat.  They are great when you think about it.

Bill:  draw's 2 cards with no drawbacks, 1 of the best trainers.  75cent

Energy removal: a $.75 disruption card that takes an energy away from your
opponent's pokemon even on the bench with no drawbacks. Great common card.

Gust of Wind:  Another awesome common card that can win you a prize or 2.

This is a list of just some of the cards you should use for low prices.  Im
sure there are many more, this is just for you to start with.  Good luck!

E-mail me at r_kiang68@hotmail.com

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