Hi,  My name is jim i just thought i'd send in some info about playing that ive
Heres a deck with defending and early mixed power nothing fancy.  using 3
colors but most do dam with one energy of that color and another of any.  The
trick is to hit them where it hurts worst energy cards!!!!!!!!! :) and then
switch them to death :)
The Poorman's Defender Deck
1 super eng rem
2 switch
7 water energy
7 lightning energy
6 fire energy
2 double colorless
1 ditto
2 electabuzz
2 magnemite
1 magneton
3 krabby
2 kingler
2 poliwag
1 poliwhirl
2 growlithe
4 defender
4 bill
1 comp search
4 energy rem
1 prof oak
3 gust of wind
Ok as you can see theres not much here as far as the holofoils go but with the
energy removal's, defender's, and gusts of wind  it can be bad for an
opponent.   even 2 more super energy removal wouldnt be bad.  But i threw this
together with left overs basically after i sold the good ones or traded them.
with the defender you can stop damage to yourself and from others.  the energy
removals can really hurt a guy if hes planning on usin certain energy cards
such as double colorless.  and the gusts of wind can make them use up energy
also.  the thing i figured out is if they dont have enough energy they cant
attack very often. and the early fast hitters can really put a hurt on there
elvolution plans.  I think 2 stages is as far as you want to go.  otherwise you
lose alot of cards to evolving.
theres nothing worse then building up a guy on the bench then having the rug
pulled from under him.  or having one of your early weak pokemons brought out
to the front and killed.  this deck can beat almost any deck maybe not every
time but on the first try i beat a heavy blastoise and hitmonchan, hitmonlee
dugtrio deck.  the energy removals hurt bad along with the defending power.
and for that special punch ditto can come off the bench and cream almost any
injured pokemon!
   So if you want to make some changes stuff some energy removals in there and
max defenders and of course gusts of wind!!