I hear many people worrying about the addition of Gym series to the ranks of
Pokemon. Many are worried about how Gym series will make Pokemon too much
like magic the gathering... I disagree.
Even when the gym leaders expansions are added to Pokemon, the game itsself
won't change all that much.

Gym won't even be released unitl after the re-release of Base Set, with all
its changes, and the release of Team Rocket. I suspect that Gym series I is,
at least, two years from being released---probably longer.

Also, Gym series will only be partially compatable with Base Set, Fossil,
Jungle, and Rocket.  Many stage I and stage II gym pokemon can only evolve
that common--not even in the Japanese sets. I don't see them being such a big

As for the Gym Leader expansions themselves, I see them as being wonderful
ways for deck constructionists to build unique and more interesting decks.
Pokemon have the ability to evolve and develop interesting quirks depending
on the kind of trainer you are.  If you want to have Fire pokemon, Gym
leaders allows to have more than 2 different kinds of fire... same goes for
water, psy, etc.

Gym will simply spice thigns up... make them more interesting for those of us
who play a lot.

The Pokemon Lady