Hey,Pojo! You have the coolest sight ever. Please post this!

         Okay listen up! I am ten years old, play and collect the Pokemon TCG.
I want everyone to know that not all young kids are dumb when it comes to
Pokemon cards. I have many, many Holos, including Alakazam, Venusaur, etc.,
as well as hundreds of others.
             Everyone is always saying "Don't rip off younger kids," and
other stupid stuff.
First off, I would never trade a Jungle box for one of my Mr.Mimes, like
someone said.
Also, I traded a 13 year old a Mewtwo for a Holo Edition 1 Vaporeon. He was
a Mewtwo deck or something. At least at my store, you can buy Holo 1ED
Vaporeon for $17, and a Mewtwo for $8. Right after we traded I told him this,
and he was P.O.ed. So us "little kids" aren't so bad at trading either. I
have also won over $60 in tourneys, and tons of cards. I just wanted everyone
to know that some of us aren't as stupid as others are making us look like.
-Patrick Lynch
Send E-mail to: pl0007@juniormail.com