hey, katana here. I just wanted to apologize about my tickling good combo
because it had 64 cards in it. see what 32 sugar sticks will do to you!!!
anyway I want to yell at (drumroll please!) JUSTIN SMITH!!!  if you used to
go to pojo a while back you know him. he is a bad player who has to beat
little kids to win. he calls the pojo scum, uses an archtype and says all the
rest are crud, and he eats BOOGERS!!! anyway, I plan on using my clone
machine to see how smart he really is! Clone Machine, GO!!!! J.S. pops out
and says "Where am I!!!, I wanna watch the Bill Clinton commercial NOW!!!!" I
explain to him while he scratches his butt and sniffs his finger. after 3
hours of trying to explain I just give up. anyway, I start asking
questions.ME- why do you assume that you will always get your alakazam out
when you use no card drawing whatsoever?J.S- meesa just smack mees head on
table foosa gooda luck.ME- why should I assume that YOU even use 3% of your
J.S.-becausa me maka my poop type for me and think too.ME:what an IDIOT!!!
WAIT!!! DON'T EAT MY CAT!!!J.S.-[runs and bites cat in the tail.]ME-BAD!!!
you are an idiot!!! are you okay jack?JACK-[jumps up and mutilates J.S.'
already messed up face] J.S-[grabs a bunch of muck from his pants and throws
it at my cat]ME-THATS ENOUGH!!! you go back to the clone machine
NOOWWW!!!!well, I just needed to get that off my chest. I am sure this won't
get posted but I will be very happy if it does.   P.S.I will be sending in
more clone machines but not all of them are bashes. only this one so far. 

hatemail, comments, decks, ideas,want your deck fixed, or etc. goes to