now of course since the fossil edition of muk came out there has been some intresting decks spawned around him. For one thing GGG:30 plus a chance of poison is immeasurabley good. But the poke'mon power stops all others. This muk would work best with aerodactyl this would lockdown raindance damageswap and many others dependent on poke'mon powers and evolutions.
    Dark Muk still living in several status effects but 60 HP is a downer. However this has to be the best synced pokemon. His poke'mon power complements his attack and then his attack uses his power farewell Ninja decks with one retreat. Combo this with dark dugtrio and you got yourself an active trapper.
    Kogas Muk is perhaps the embodiement of TR's Hitmonchan. For one thing this guy can scare your oppenent into attacking. Having scyther swords dance problems well simply flip and if heads signara energy. He doesnt even have to attack and he will still be a force. If he did attack he would open a can of slidge punch and KO scyther and any other haymaker in two shots !
    Personally all these muks are great. They all have poke mon powers that change the tide in most game situations. Personally I like kogas the best er'ing almost every turn while dishing out 40 is great