Hey poképeeps. I am here with some corrections from a previous Oct. or Sept.
article(can't remember). I have recieved a dozen e-mails about the article
and I am here to fix it, plus more. =]  ^_^
I am sorry if there is no gym 2, I only have acess to gym 1 at the moment.
these are my opinons!!!!

The Basics(besides the obvious like scyther)

10.-TR Ekans-the better Ekans. Even if most Ekans kinda bomb out, this is
the one if you use it.
9.-Pinsir-u gotta charge it up, but it could be a nice replacement for
syther(or not) but it is pretty good.
8.-Fossil Magmar-this guy is good all around. better then base.
7.-Misty's Psyduck/Poliwag-i can't decide they look promising (but I dunno)
6.-Erika's Dratini-two words-wonder barrier. this card  shuts down
haymakers(do u think it could help shut down tuff)
5.-Growlithe-probably the best fire basic. 60 hp and 20 pt attack.
4.-Surge's Buzz-recycles Nrg. that is sooo simple.
3.-Jynx-solid card. pretty good psychic.
2.-Dux himself(no not the inactive mech.)-sure pretty good, but not scyther
1.-Base Gastly!!!!<J>-no seriously, i can't decide. <J> no it's rocket
scyther. it is pretty obvious, but not as obvious as 9tales.

Stage 1+2 Pokés-still opions(not obvious)
i only have five do to lack of imagination. just think of others and e-mail
them to me. see address at bottom.
10.-Jungle Trode-sure not as good as base, but still solid in attacking the
9.-Erika's Gloom-sure uses Nrg, but just evolve to plume when in danger
8.-Dewgong-need nrg, but good attacks.
7.-the flying bug-butterfree-pretty good and solid attacks.
6.-beedrill-is one of the most solid bugz.
5.-Exeggutor-highly underrated. makes a good mean combo with nrg transfer.

Next will be trainers. I wish i'd do it now, but I have writers block atm.

please do not send me viruses, flames, bugs, etc.  i would apriciate that.

pojo please post this. this took me about 25 minutes. i spent all my efforts
on these list.

e-mail: animegrrl_15@kittymail.com

Anime Girl signin off of pojo contacts.

c u soon poképeeps.