For those of you who find Koga' Ditto useless, I found a combo that makes it a great card. Now for card descriptions for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about
Koga's Ditto  40HP
C- Giant Growth- Flip a coin. If heads Koga's Ditto's HP is now 80 and Koga's Ditto's Pound attack's base damage is 30 instead of 10. (Benching Koga's Ditto ends this effect.)
C- Pound-  10
Koga's Ninja Trick- Attach Koga's Ninja Trick to your active pokemon with Koga in its name. If this pokemon goes to your bench, discard this card. When your opponent attacks, you may switch this pokemon with 1 of your benched pokemon (before damage or other effects of attack.)
Weakness- Fighting
Resistance- Psychic
Retreat- C
    Have Koga's Ditto as your active attach Koga's Ninja Trick to it incase you don't flip heads he won't get knocked out and if you flip tails he won't take damage and stay alive.  If you flip heads you can now pound for 30 and not be affraid of being energy removaled, and you can take a couple turns of damage almost like a scyther.
                                                            Lee Finholt