Hey The JoZ saw this Article and decided to comment. My Comments will be in
10. Dark Dragonair
Yup, you saw it Dark Dragonair. Why? Because it's PokePower Evolutionary
Light is excellent. Got TR Squirtle? Next turn, Dark Wortortle then to Dark
Blastoise and kill most fire Pokemon. AWESOME!
Yes good point here. But if he is soo AWESOME, then why is he at the bottom
of the list??
9. Poliwhirl
Most people overlook this card. Look at it's possibities. Kill Charizard in
one turn with Doubleslap! Good heh?   Another good point here. But did anyone
ever mention the coinflip factor here? It can be done, but its risky.
8. Recycle.
Wanna know why? Read Ness Card of the Day.
Hmm. I suppose so. I think this card should be where Dark Dragonair is,
simply because this is a riskier card.

7. Team Rocket Rattata
Trickery!!! I love it! You can combo it with Mankey. Switch if you want that
prize or if don't like your top card use it! Plus Quick Attack and 40HP!
Ok. Sure, the Trickery combo with Mankey is fun. But your gushing about Quick
Attack and 40 HP??? Hes ok, but not that good...
6. Scyther
Swords Dance 60 damage Slash. I think you get the point!  Yes we get the
point im sure. He should get #3 spot.
5. Muk
Muk is an Anti-Ditto machine with Toxic Gas. And Sludge is quite good 30
damage and 50% chance poison.  Nothin bad here. You did forget to mention
that hes an Anti Raindance and Damage Swap machine though.
4. Charizard
100 damage Energy Burn. It has just been said too many times.  I do like this
one. Most people underrate him due to his discard cost. I think he's quite
good if you stratagize.
3. Snorlax
Thick Skinned will destroy any effect. 30 damage and 50% paralazation!
BRILLIANT!!!  Ok. Here's what i DON'T like. Sure, I said Snorlax was
underrated. And he is. However, 30 damage for 4 and only 50% paralyze is not
that good. 4 retreat dont help either. However, he does have uses.
2. Nidoqueen
A Pokemon that is over-looked too many times. Nidoqueen can do 100 damage
with Boyfriends for one Grass energy and a Colorless. And 50 from Mega Punch.
90 HP. She sure is a keeper.  I agree with you whole-heartedly here. The
Queen is over looked alot, and she's pretty good. I dont know about #2 good,
but good
1. Blastoise
The best card ever!!! It works like a charm in any Water deck (especially
mine!) Rain Dance. Instant Hydro Pump! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE
IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Best card ever? Hmm. He would be a very strong contender
to say the least here.  Very, very powerfull. A broken card

Overall, a good article. I think some of the placements were a little off,
but its his opinion.
