It's about time someone stands up and says "Hey, stop just a second look
what we have become."
     That time is now and I fell like I need to say some things about the
people playing and the game.
     Everyone stop sending stuff to Pojo about how one person is wrong.First
if it's about a strategy or a rant don't post something that says this is bad
here's why or I could beat this deck.Send E-mail to that person and tell them
why you have to dissagree with them but don't criticise.Tell them what they
COULD DO and not what they can't.
     Quit sending things about prop 15 3c or banning.Wizards was CORRECT in
doing this.Thier goal was to make archetypes less of a dominating force.Guess
what happened.It worked.Sure they could have done something else better.You
know it is hard to see what other people think on a different subject even if
you think what they say and do are the stuidest thing on earth.They are the
same in the exact same manner.I see playing archetypes as being unorigonal in
STRATEGY.Pro-archetype people see archetypes as being beatable and they
are.Everyone sees things as being
thier way is the way by nature.That is not wrong.God would have made us
different if that was the case."Sorry big bang theorists".So try to see
things from the other persons view.

Please everyone speak your mind.Regardless of what people think of you.
Try to send people e-mails to that person not pojo.That is really an attempt
to humiliate that person.

If you have reason to disagree with me send it to