Hi my name is Neal Gaughran and let me say pojo is the best.  I want to say what the best water cards in the game.
some are trainer cards (misty) that help water pokemon now for the cards!!
The Top Ten Water Cards
10 Misty's Golduck: I like this guy if your only have like 3 or so energy
he can hit hard for that cheap. And he can suck up energy beter
then any trainer card.
9 Misty: This can help take out some good cards when power up
Misty's Gyarados to kill stall cards in one hit.  If you use it on
Misty's Staryu amd you can get past defender and cards like that.
8 Dark Gyarados: I love final beam and ice beam does good damage
and can keep your opponent paralyzed some plus power can make it
hit harder.  Resistance to fighting can stall out Hitmonchan.
7 Misty' tears: Get energy and power up more with rain dance
thats all.
6 Golduck: Part psy part water but all good. Psyshock hits fast
and Hyper Beam can go good in any deck that has energy removal.
Does damage and the best Golduck of all.
4 Dark Blastoise: All of his attacks can hit with 2 energy.
Hydrocannon does lots of damage for not that much energy.
Small HP for a Blastoise is the only bad thing.
3 Promo Articuno: diamond dust does lots of stuff and rain dance
lets him attack in 1 turn. Damage your opponent's benched pokemon
and you can take them all out.
2 Misty's Poliwhirl: It hits quick and hits big. This card can do 20
damage and take out energy and water punch can go best with
Misty's tears and rain dance. I can't get help but love this card.
1 Blastoise: Any water deck must have this card rain dance can speed
up battle. Hydro pump does good damage and gets beter. To make it stay
in the game it has 100 HP use potion it you can keep his pokemon power
in the game.
My name is Neal Gaughran^ and you can e-mail me at Sonicman86@hotmail.com
are Sonicman2@hotmail.com