Hey, there pokemon fans. I am here today with an idea that kind of just
popped into my head. Koga's Level 9 Pidgey gave it to me in Message.
Everytime I hear about Koga's Level 9 Pidgey it is about it's messenger
attack. You get any pokemon you want, but no damage. I have an idea that
will take 3 cards to pull off, but could be worht it.

So you start off with Koga's Level 9 Pidgey rather then just uses it's first
attack you wait awhile.
You wait till you get 3 colorless energy on Pidgey and then place Koga's
Pidgetto on top of it. Now, you can use Quick Trun for a possible 60. Now
wait to Koga's Pidgeotto is about to get knock out then you use a trainer
carded called Recall. You probaly have a few in a shoebox somewhere.
Recall: For this turn you can use an attack for a lower stage.
Well just use Messenger and all cards including Koga's Pidgeotto back into
your deck and get an pokemon you want. These 3 cards make for a deadly Trio.
Free scoop and a pokemon and damage to the denfending pokemon, all for 3
energy, 2 pokemon and 1 trainer. That is plus 5 cards into your deck, so
less chance of decking youself.

Not the perfect trio to all, but give it a chance you never know a lot of
great things can come from this little bird.
