I would like to say something about that list about the 50 HP Top 10.
First off, Hitmonchan, Scyther, nor Wigglytuff have 50 HP, so they have nothing to with the list he was making.Secondly, Dark Charmeleon can do a WHOPPING 70 damage with a good coin flip and discarding one Fire Energy, but Fireball can also do a WHOPPING NOTHING!!!! He never said anything about that!
    Thirdly, Dark Flareon, can do a possible 50 for 2 Fire Energy, not one Colorless.(Even if he meant Rage, Dark Flareon doesn't have enough HP to do 50 damage. A simple mistake made by those who don't take care in reading the card carefully.
    There's no 'definitely' in getting a card in a Booster Pack. Sure, Fossil Slowpoke's a common, but you still might not get it.
     Now on to Sabrina's Haunter. No Weakness, Fighting Resistance,
POSSIBLE 120 damage!!!!!!! It can also do a POSSIBLE nothing!!
  Sabrina's Haunter will scarcely do 120, so I don't know what you're talking about. People always think that an attack requiring coin flips will do its maximum damage most of the time.
When making a Top 10 list, or a Top 5 list, make sure you have read the cards you're talking about, and KNOW what you're talking about!
That's it for now, see ya later!!!!
Email me at kimvanib@caribsurf.com